Thursday, April 30, 2009

Elizabeth Ann Copeland

Elizabeth Ann Copeland was born Monday, April 27 at 8:23 in the morning via c-section. She weighed 6lbs 14oz (same weight as big bro Charlie) and was 18.75 in long. She has light brown hair and resembles Charlie but definitely has a lot of her own features too!

Sunday the 26th I was feeling very pregnant but not necessarily thinking that labor was imminent. I had what I was calling "tremors" throughout the day, little contractions that had increased but were not in a pattern. I had seen my doctor on Friday and was still 2cm dilated and 70% effaced so she said it could be this weekend or it could be another week! Went to bed that evening and awoke around 12:30 with contractions every 2-3 minutes. I decided to wait and see if they maintained the pattern and intensity so at 1:30 I tapped Rob and said, "Robbie, I am having contractions every 2 minutes." He looked at me with one eye open and said, "Good to know." and then rolled over to go back to sleep. I tapped him again and said, "It's time to call the doctor." "In a few hours." he replied. I didn't agree with that time frame and went ahead and called. She told us to come in and get things checked out.

We finally arrived at the hospital around 2:30. They hooked me up and I was indeed contracting every 2-3 minutes but when they checked there had been no change in my dilation. So they decided not to admit me but "observe" me and also give me an IV to see if I was just dehydrated. I was totally bummed and having been in the hospital the week before for 5 hours only to be sent home I was really ready to meet this baby! The contractions began to subside a bit around 4 but then at 5am they came back with a vengeance. I was in lots of pain, to the point of tears and thinking that if I am having a c-section than I am not interested in laboring with this kind of pain. The nurses had told me that they could see my monitors at their nurses station so I didn't call them in and was wondering why no one was coming to check on me. Around 6:30 a nurse came in and saw that I was in pain, looked at the monitor and was like, "Why didn't you call us! I need to get the doctor in here, it looks like you are in labor and will be having a baby today!" My doctor arrived around 7:30 and she too looked at the monitors and thought that I was in true labor and decided to check me internally. Well turns out I was pretty much the same, just more effaced! Everyone was surprised because based on the intensity of my contractions and their frequency there should have been change. My doctor than asked me about a prior surgery that I had on my cervix and it turns out that the scar tissue from that surgery has created a "ring" around the cervix and was keeping it at 2cm. As the doctor said almost acting like a natural cerclage. (A cerclage is a stitch that they sometimes put in to keep you from dilating too early and preventing pre-term birth. There had been lots of discussion if I should have one done due to past pregnancies. We decided not to for various reasons.) The doctor then said that if that scar tissue were to break right now I would be at 8cm within moments! At this point in the story I want to clearly give thanks to God for this "natural stitch" as I believe that is why I was able to carry Libby full term with no medications or bed rest! God is good and creative! :)

Our room quickly came alive with nurses and doctors prepping us for the c-section. I was in the OR by 7:55 and Elizabeth Ann was born at 8:23. She came out screaming and kicking! The doctors and nurses commented on her "chestnut" colored hair and said she was a beauty! Her apgar scores were 9 and she was breathing with no problems. Rob was able to cut the cord and to hold her. They stitched me up and rolled me into my room and I was holding her and nursing by 9:00am! I am in the hospital for 5 days due to the section and am enjoying bonding with her and recovering before taking on Mommy duties to 3 kids!

Callie and Charlie have had a great time holding her when they visited me! Callie told me yesterday, "She's just like we ordered her, healthy!" And when Charlie first saw her he pulled back her blanket and said "She's beautiful!"

Thanks for all your prayers throughout this pregnancy! We are overjoyed and so blessed by God's gift of three beautiful and healthy children, our daily prayer is that they grow up to know Him personally and delight in His perfect plan for their lives!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Praises, Prayers and Photo Updates!

Sorry that is has been so long since my last blog entry! Here are some praises, prayer requests, and photo updates from the last month or so.....

The kids:
Callie is continuing to enjoy school and is making great progress with her reading! She has made some new friends and will start T-Ball this week! She is on the Texas Rangers but she keeps telling everyone that she is on the Texas Ranchers! :) She recently learned how to tie her shoes too! (We feel bad that we didn't teach her how to sooner as we took advantage of all the cute shoes that don't require this skill so as to make life easier!) Callie is very excited for her 6th birthday that is just two weeks away!

Charlie is still our sweet boy who gives great hugs and kisses. However, he also continue to get into a bit of trouble when he clearly chooses to disobey all the while with a devious smile on his face! We were hoping to break the thumb sucking habit before the baby arrives but due to all the changes he has endured and then with the baby coming I have decided to overlook this one vice for the time being! Charlie is very excited for his sports camp this summer!

Here are a couple recent shots of them:

My new favorite picture of them! They are actually both looking at the camera!

Easter morning!

Checking out the loot the Easter bunny left in their buckets!

Rob and Kate:
Rob recently celebrated his 31st birthday with a family cookout and a round of golf! He has also made some great connections with some men from church and enjoys weekly breakfasts with them! He has also begun getting involved in some volunteer work for some great organizations. He has been asked to read the proclamation at the National Day of Prayer on May 7th at the town green in Greenland, NH! He completed his CFP exam in March but won't know the results till late May. He is looking forward to the golf season getting's short and sweet up here in New England!
I am feeling and looking very pregnant! I actually spent a few hours yesterday in L&D all hooked up with contractions and everything but they weren't in enough of a pattern to get the green light for delivery! So I was sent home with the thought that she may arrive in the next few days! We will keep you posted! A huge praise is that I am officially 37 weeks today, term! No strict bed rest or medications with this pregnancy! Please pray for a safe delivery (it will be a c-section) and healthy baby girl with no breathing issues!

Rob with the kids on his birthday!

We officially are under contract today! Praise the Lord! This has been an incredibly long and emotionally draining experience for us over the last year and a half! From the prep and sale of our townhouse in VA to the housing search up here in NH! We are very excited that we found a place that we both liked and could agree despite having to each give up a few dream home visions! In the end we believe that God has a purpose for us here in NH and we are excited to meet and be apart of this neighborhood/community! A family friend sent us a great scripture yesterday that really touched us! Acts 17:26-27 "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him..."

House in Exeter Farms!

Thank you all so much for your prayers, emails and phone calls the last few months as I have at times been discouraged regarding the home search! You all will never know how much I felt loved by you and the Lord through this season of life!
Please continue to pray for the transition to the new home (we won't occupy it till early July), the transition to a family of five and for us as individuals and as a family as we begin to establish roots and relationships in NH!
Next post will contain baby news.....stayed tuned!